Wednesday, September 13, 2017

A conversation with 3 year old K

K: *points to little bear* This is my baby.
Me: Oh, cute!
K: *points to big bear* And this is my adult. 
Me: ...

Man, I love this girl so much.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Septembers are for school again

Ever since graduating from OT school 6 years ago, Septembers haven't really meant much to me in terms of indicating anything. But this year, that has changed!

K started JK yesterday and a part of me still can't wrap my head around it. I remember being on my first mat leave and holding her while looking out the window at the kids across the street who were waiting for the school bus; I couldn't help but think about when she would eventually start school and join those kids across the street and even though she was literally only two months old at the time, my eyes literally started watering. True story, lol.

Fast forward 3.5 half years later and I'm the now mom of a school-aged child. I know she's only turning 4 this year, but to me it feels closer to 30.