Tuesday, November 16, 2010

cooking corner: acorn squash soup

there is no better way to warm up your taste buds on a cold, wet, autumn evening.
p.s. butternut squash soup also does the trick (and is just as easy to make). :)

Saturday, November 06, 2010

term four academic, done.

i can finally exhale the breath i had been holding in the last two weeks of this term. honestly, this term has been nothing short of tough with having to deal with a whole bunch of stuff both related and unrelated to school. needless to say, it's been difficult. i'm so glad the academic portion of this term is over - now i just need to wait and see how i actually did. and get through my placement.

good grief. i never thought OT school would be this hard.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

term four, no one likes you.

we were told, by the second years last year, that term 4 was the toughest term in the program with regards to the workload. well, turns out they were right.

i think this picture accurately depicts how everyone in my class is feeling right now:

good thing we only have to do term four once.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

happiness is...

walking down the street on your way home when all of a sudden you have an urge to look up to your condo to see if you can find your unit and you see this: your husband on the balcony waving down at you like a maniac with a huge smile on his face.

that totally made my day...and made me quicken my step so i could get home and hug him just a little bit sooner. :)

p.s. can't believe we've been married for a month already!

Monday, September 06, 2010

back to reality

school starts again tomorrow. ughh.
goodbye summer, you were fun while it lasted.
(p.s. august 2010, thanks for being the month ever.) :)

Sunday, September 05, 2010

book nook: the lovely bones

the lovely bones
alice sebold

this was the second of the two books i read on our honeymoon. the first book i finished was masquerade, the second book in the blue bloods series, and it was...a typical young adult fiction book about vampires, haha.

anyway, this book had been on my list of books to read for quite some time so i made sure to pack it to read while lounging on the beach during our vacation. (side note: reading beachside is one of the most relaxing things to do.)

the lovely bones is told from the point of view of the main character, suzie (a girl who was murdered early on in the book). basically the novel follows suzie around 'her heaven' and as she follows her family on earth as they try to move on and live their lives after her death.

while the idea behind this book was unique (or at least i've never read a book quite like this one before), i thought the plot was a little strange at times. while some parts were pretty good, others were just plain weird. all in all, i'm glad i finished it so i could cross this book off my list, but other than that i found it pretty ehhh - it wasn't one of the worst books i've ever read, but definitely not one of my favourites either. i guess i didn't really get the hype surrounding this book, but that's just me - a lot of other people liked it so don't take my word for it. :)

Saturday, September 04, 2010

dust and dirt be gone

so...we now have a vacuum!

we were all giddy and excited the night we got our vacuum - it was like christmas all over again! it was pretty actually pretty funny (and somewhat lame), but that's not important. what is important is that our floors are now clean and can be stepped and sat on with confidence.

i've been trying to practice taking pictures with my new camera (wedding present from justin, yay!) since i've only ever used point and shoots before, so here are some shots of our new dyson (yup, it's pink!) that i took before the inaugural vacuum. :) p.s. i'm still trying to get familiar with and figure out how to work this camera, so please bear with me!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

cooking corner: first dinner in our condo

this post is little late since we've been living here for a couple weeks now, but in any case here is what we ate for dinner our first night eating in:

^ beans and beef

^ eggs and mushrooms

we just added some rice to eat along with these dishes and that was it!
not bad for our first meal and it should only get better from here. :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

now a mrs.

we're married!!

our videographer and friend put together a SDE for our wedding day which totally rocked everyone's socks off. check it out here! :)
for more details check out our wedding page.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

cooking corner: lentil pasta

i've never cooked lentils before...until today.

i have a new housemate who just moved in at the end of last week and she graciously cooked dinner for me yesterday, so i decided to return the favour and cook dinner for the two of us tonight. since she doesn't eat meat, i was originally going to make monterey beans and cheese, but when i went to my cupboard i realized i had no beans. nor did i have enough rice for the both of us.

what a fail.

anyway, i discovered a can of lentils i bought because i wanted to try my hand at cooking them and i decided that tonight would be the night. i looked up a recipe for lentil pasta online (since i happened to have pasta in my cupboard) and then i looked for the one that would be the easiest and most time efficient to cook. :P i eventually found one that matched my criteria although i modified it slightly since i didn't have all the ingredients and i was too lazy to go to the store, haha.

i started by chopping up an onion and tossing it into a small pot with extra virgin olive oil. then i added some dried sage and salt (no pepper because i didn't have any, oops) and then a can of tomatoes once the onions were browned. i then brought everything to a boil and then turned down the heat so it would simmer for about 20-30 mins. at some point during this time i opened my can of lentils and rinsed them out. once i decided the tomatoes were ready, i added the lentils to the little pot and let that cook for another few minutes. i then added the little pot to a bigger pot, which held pasta i had cooked while my tomatoes and lentils were cooking, and mixed everything together before serving.

i wasn't sure how it would turn out since i was missing some ingredients and since tonight was the first time cooking lentils. fortunately it was a success and actually quite good if i dare say so myself, haha. and it was so easy to make! yes, i think i'll have to try this recipe again sometime. :)

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

o n e

we have exactly one month to go before our big day! :D things are continuing to come together as we start tying up loose ends in preparation for our wedding! i gotta say, FH has been nothing short of amazing throughout the whole process - he has been so supportive of me being back at school and not in toronto, and he really stepped up and has done a lot. i am so grateful and thankful for him, and i can't wait for him to go from future hubby to hubby. :)
for more details and updates, check out our wedding page.

Friday, July 02, 2010

hamilton, the place to be?

...ok, no i don't believe that statement for a second. BUT since coming to this town in september of 2009, i've randomly run into three people from my past. pretty crazy stuff. but even more crazy is how, upon reflection, each experience has gotten slightly more embarrassing each time. here's what i mean:

meeting #1: noob on campus
this one, being the first, wasn't actually that bad. it was my first day of orientation and i had no idea where i was going when i turned the corner and *BAM* there stood a friend i hadn't seen in literally 5 years. totally unexpected and i had no idea he was even at mac. anyway, i've since had dinner with him and his gf a couple times throughout the year, so that has been good. :)

meeting #2: elevator randoms
this time i was going to my friend's place to meet up with some mac friends for dinner. i got into the elevator and pressed PH and then a stranger came in with her head down. she looked kinda familiar but i was like, nahhh that can't be her, there's no way. well she raised her head and it turns out that it was her afterall. haven't seen her in 5 years either so it was nice chatting with her a little bit after getting off the elevator. too bad this was during the brutal heat wave that hit hamilton, so i was sweating like a pig the whole time. plus i had just power walked to my friend's building since i thought i was running late. lovely. i'm surprised sweat wasn't dripping off my face and onto the elevator floor. hahaa. gross.

meeting #3: hospital cafeteria cougher
so today i ran into the third person - someone i used to go to high school with who apparently just started her first day of residency at the hospital i'm doing my placement at. totally random! too bad i was still recovering from this mother of a cough i've been trying to battle with for the last week or so and with every word i said a coughing fit started. i literally coughed like a maniac while she stood there trying to get words in edgewise. i also tried to cough into my elbow, but i mean that only works for so long. ah well, i'm sure she found it lovely and i'm sure the rest of hospital thought my coughing fits throughout the day were endearing as well.

hmm, i can only imagine what the next random meeting will be: bathroom stall with a broken lock? gahhhh.

Friday, June 25, 2010


i've never been more thankful for a friday before. this was my first week of term 3 placement working in MSK (musculoskeletal) and general medicine. while so far it has been interesting, it has also been pretty overwhelming with the crazy number of patients on my preceptor's caseload, the learning i have yet to do in order to function better in this environment, and everything else that comes with this placement being my first level 2 placement (read: more responsibilities and higher expectations. gulp.)

hopefully things will get better as my placement progresses, but until then i'm trying not to feel overwhelmed (although currently failing miserably). i guess it doesn't help that i have a million other things on my mind too - from placement, to wedding planning, to looking for a place to live, to everything else life has been throwing my way as of late, things have been crazy.

and i am exhausted.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


this song (airplanes - B.O.B. ft. eminem & hayley williams) really caught my attention when i heard it on the radio. not only is the music great, but the lyrics are good (and not all nasty and inappropriate), and i really like hayley williams' voice.

anyway, i found a couple of great covers of this song on youtube that i liked enough to share with you guys. enjoy!

i actually think this girl has an awesome voice and is pretty musical/creative. singing a rap song and somehow making it sound like it was supposed to be that way? i love! i also love the fact that her intro sounds just like backstreet boys' "i want it that way" (bahahaha, AJ). i just wish she didn't look right into the camera as much. it's creepy.

perhaps not as creative as the first cover i posted, but i thought this was a really solid cover overall. also, i'm not sure why this video is cut off, but i can't be bothered to fix it, haha. you can still hear the music though so whatever. :P

Monday, June 07, 2010

and the planning continues

wedding planning really does take over your life the closer it gets to the actual day. lately my weekends at home have been filled with all things wedding related. for example, this weekend we did the following:

- finished registering at our two stores
- gave out a couple more invites
- replied to some RSVPs that came in
- choose and confirmed our wedding cake
- visited waterloo to shoot some footage for our wedding video project

(thanks to nevin for coming out with us despite the awful pit-in-your-stomach feeling waterloo gives past students who once walked its sidewalks and sat in its classrooms. and also thanks to ray, our awesome videographer, for being so awesome and good behind his video camera! i'm looking forward to see how it all turns out!)

oh yah, last night i also updated some stuff on our wedding website and made final decisions re: our bridesmaids dresses which (in my opinion) are looking great!

so now things are slowly starting to come together and i'm getting really excited - exactly two months to go! :)
for more details and updates, check out our wedding page.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

cooking corner: beef soup

i made this for dinner a couple of weeks ago before the heat wave started. it was a chillier day which left me craving for some kind of soup. i had an idea of what kind of soup i wanted, but (as per usual) i didn't really have any clue as to what i was doing even when i was at the store searching for ingredients. i ended up deciding on stewing beef, potatoes, carrots, celery, and mushrooms. (i didn't buy any onions since i already had so many - i bought another bunch without realizing i already had more than a few hanging out at the back of the fridge. oops.)

anyway, when i got home i boiled a pot of water, threw in the stewing beef along with the vegetables once i had finished peeling and chopping them up, and hoped for the best.

^ vegetable remains. not sure why there's a mushroom in there.

hmm on second thought, it might have been better if i had thrown all my food into the pot before adding the water so i knew how much water i would need, but oh well. a few shakes of worchestershire sauce, some salt, and 1.5-2 hours of cooking time and this was my result:

^ my beef soup 1 hr into cooking time.

it actually tasted pretty good and my housemate described it as "delicious" (success!) so i'm glad that things worked out. phew. :)

Friday, May 21, 2010

sweet weekend

it's the weekend! sweeeet. it's even sweeter because of the fact that it's a four day weekend for me (we switched out friday tutorial to thursday this week so we could have another day off). and it's the sweetest because of what happened back in 2009.

it's pretty crazy to think that in the span of 3 days (friday-sunday) this time last year, my life took a huge turn. i got into graduate school and, after taking a trip south of the border, came home to the perfect proposal, becoming engaged to my most favourite guy in the world.

plus, who doesn't love long weekends?

ahhh may 2-4 weekend, i heart you so much. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i heart dragon music

i love how music is so powerful. for example, i haven't listened to this soundtrack for at least 15 years, but it's just as intense for me now as it was back then. it's the kind of music that makes you stop what you're doing so you can just be in it. that's the power, and beauty, of music i guess. :)

see what i mean? so epic. so good.

randy edelman, you are a musical genius - there is nothing that could have been more perfect for this movie. i mean, there is no other piece of music that makes me want to reflect on life and learn kung fu, haha. i love soundtracks. :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

i heart sara

sara bareilles released her new single off her upcoming album this past monday and i love it! i love everything about it - the lyrics, the instrumentation, the overall feel...in fact, i don't even mind that the melody has been stuck in my head for the past two days.

here's what she had to say about it (taken from popeater.com):
"'King of Anything' is sort of a 'f**k you' song," jokes Bareilles. "I've had more unsolicited advice on my life than I care to mention, and this was how I dealt with it. It felt empowering to turn that frustration into music, especially a song that doesn't even sound angry. That's sort of what 'Love Song' was as well. Apparently, I don't get over things very quickly."

bahaha, how could you not love her?

anyway, i think she is great. i saw her in toronto two years ago but nothing really happened since then, so i'm excited that she released this single. plus, if this song is indicative of what's to come, i think her new album is going to be awesome. :)

click here to listen to "king of anything" - enjoy!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

t h r e e

in exactly three months from now our wedding will be over and we'll be married! :) but until we get there, i can't believe how much more still needs to be done. o_O
for more details and updates, check out our wedding page.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

the day a fire hydrant waved at me

generally speaking, the people in my neighbourhood are really friendly - they smile, make eye-contact, and some of them even say "hello" when you pass them on the sidewalk.

...and sometimes, if you're lucky, fire hydrants will say "hello" too. :)

Sunday, May 02, 2010

brad doggett | v i v a . l a . v i d a (coldplay cover)

i blogged about this guy a while back, but then i went and forgot about him until this past weekend, haha. turns out he's actually posted some really great stuff since 2008 and has apparently recorded and released an EP too.

anyway, here's one of his covers that i particularly liked. enjoy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

springtime in hamilton

i've been loving the weather lately! with the warm breezes, sunshine, and flowers that have started popping up all over the place, it's almost as if you can see and feel life everywhere. i like it.

anyway, i took advantage of the sunny days and walked to and from school everyday this past week! it was so nice being outside and outside looked so nice, so i decided to take my camera along too. :) here are some pics of what i saw:

^my shoes in the grass at the park near my place.

^magnolias - 'love pink'.
(wow i totally thought these were cherry blossoms...guess not, oops.)

^falling leaves - i thought these looked so cool.
(a bee kept harassing me while i was taking these so i guess it liked them too.)

^yellow flowers that spilled over a backyard fence.
(i liked how they looked against the wooden fence.)

^pink, purple, green, yellow, orange, white - i'm loving all this colour!

Monday, April 19, 2010

term three of six

today was the first day of term three.
oh me oh my, i think it's gonna be a doozy. o_O

Friday, April 09, 2010

OT practicum: term two

today i finished up the last day of my second term placement! it was a 5-week placement at a centre for geriatric care and it went by super quick. i have a week off and then it's back to hamilton for another couple months of school. ughh, i'm not ready.

here's to hoping my next placement will also be in toronto! *crosses fingers*

Thursday, April 08, 2010

book nook: still alice

still alice
lisa genova

until recently, i hadn't read any books other than the ones for school (which, for the record, just isn't the same) so i told myself, at the start of my placement, that things would change. i started rereading my harry potters (teehee, they still get me everytime), but i also wanted to read something i hadn't read before, so i read two other one as well. the first one was a teen fiction book i found on my shelf (my cousin gave me a few to read the last time she was in town) which was pretty terrible and didn't deserve a review, haha.

luckily the second one, this book, was so much better. it had been on my list of books to read for quite some time now, but i never got around to reading it before this week.

still alice is a fictional novel about a woman (alice howland), a linguistics professor and research scientist who is diagnosed with early-onset alzheimer's. the book basically takes you on alice's journey of living with dementia and her gradual cognitive decline. the story is told from her point of view, which i thought was a really interesting approach.

for a first novel genova did such a great job, but i guess that's what you get from someone who has Ph.D in neuroscience from harvard. :P this book was insightful, well-written, and full of so many moments that made my eyes water and tears pop out. (yah, it totally made me cry on more than one occasion.) i brought it to my placement to read over lunch and was really tempted to just close my office door and read it for the rest of the afternoon, but i didn't(although i kept thinking about it the rest of the day, haha). other than the heartwrenching moments that cropped up every now and then, i found it to be a pretty easy read and i finished it in about two days.

overall i thought still alice was fantastic - i totally recommend it! just remember to have a box of tissues handy, just in case. :)

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

cooking corner: macaroni and cheese

i have yet to find the macaroni and cheese recipe.

i stopped using kraft dinner ever since graduating from undergrad and have since tried numerous attempts to make it from scratch. unfortunately, it's been hard since i still have the taste of KD in my head and my own attempts just haven't measured up on the taste-front. (this is probably because i don't put massive amounts of salt or preservatives into my mac and cheese, but still. there must be a way to get the flavour without the crap, there must!)

anyway, i made it for dinner tonight and even though my housemates were stuffed because they had seconds and thirds, to me it still tasted like it was still missing something. during the cooking process i threw in different things like more salt, oregano, basil, and chili powder but while they helped, none of these things 'did it'. (i think at one point i even contemplated putting in a couple shakes of worcestershire sauce, but i held myself back, haha.) hmm, maybe it was the cheese? i used mozzarella again tonight because it's the healthiest cheese to use, but maybe i needed to have used one with a stronger flavour. who knows. i have no idea what it is about this dish, but something's missing. *cue john mayer music*

oh well. at least i was completely satisfied with my french onion soup tonight.
thank you, knorr. :)

Monday, March 01, 2010

goodbye vancouver, goodbye world

i can't believe the olympics is over - it went by so fast! i think this was one of the most exciting games for me to watch. not only were the sporting events exciting, but the crowds just made everything that much more interesting. spontaneously singing the canadian national anthem during curling matches? check. bringing down the house via cheering? check. ridiculous amount of screaming and partying in the streets? check. we really had it all in terms of enthusiasm this time around. you could really feel the excitement and national pride permeating throughout canada during these past two weeks which was really awesome to be a part of. and while these games had their share of obstacles and tragedies, i feel that the olympic spirit was alive and kickin' throughout everything that happened through everyone coming together and supporting everyone else.

i'll admit, at the halfway mark i wasn't sure what to think with canada's low medal count, but somehow our country rallied alongside our athletes and they, in turn, did us proud winning gold after gold all the way to the end (literally). 26 medals with 14 of them gold! :O well done athletes!!

once again, the olympics have made a sports-watching monster out of me but it's all over until the next games come in 2012. canada is a little quieter now that the world has left, and my days are now emptier without all the sports and excitement that came with the olympic games, but we can be sure that when the world meets up again in london, canadians will be loud once again. we may not be wearing our little red olympics come 2012 (since it will be summer, duh), but that won't mean we won't be just as loud as we were this time around! we'll show the world.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

cooking corner: monterey beans and cheese

tonight i made monterey beans and cheese for dinner and oh me oh my was it ever good! it was actually the first meal that i ate here in hamilton back in the fall when my housemate made our first communal dinner. it was soooo good back then and i've wanted to make it ever since, but never got around to actually cooking it until this week.

i forgot to add a little bit of chili and i used mozzarella instead of cheddar (healthier for you) so it wasn't quite the same as i remembered, but it was still good. and so easy to make! i'll definitely need to make it at home sometime. :)

on a completely different note, olympic fever continues - (G)O CANADA!!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

we love gold

^ image taken from www.zimbio.com

canada scored its first gold medal today! the men's freestyle moguls final was nothing short of spectacular - alexandre bolideau completed a great run and won the gold!! it's our first olympic gold ever won on canadian soil and damn, is victory ever sweet.

kristina groves also won a medal today too - a bronze in the women's 3000m!

what a great night for canada - well done bolideau & groves! our country is definitely celebrating, pumped, and ready for day 4. bring it.

go canada go! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

one, two, three

1 day, 2 holidays, day 3 of the olympics

chinese new year 2010
happy chinese new year from me and my favourite tiger.

valentines day 2010
happy valentine's day everyone. (bah hah, calvin.)

vancouver 2010: day 3
last night's women's moguls final was crazy and so awesome to watch! we got our first medal of the games and even though it wasn't gold, i thought heil did a great job. go canada go! :) p.s. i love watching freestyle skiing - can't wait for men's moguls and all the aerial stuff!

Friday, February 12, 2010

hello world, welcome to canada

today marks the opening day of the vancouver 2010 winter olympic games and i am psyched! i'm definitely not an athlete nor a sports-addict by any means, but even i get excited and watch sport after sport during the olympics - and that's saying a lot.

go canada go! :)

p.s. i love how quatchi has a tattoo of the olympic logo on his right arm, haha.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

sleepy and dopey

the toronto star has some amazing readers.

every so often i'll scan through the online comments that are left in response to particular articles, and while most of the time people just whine and complain, sometimes i come across comments that are just plain gold. today was no exception - here's an excerpt of one that actually made me laugh out loud:

"Everything was going according to plan until last week. He [Giambrone] had a cushy job, nice home and partner and was getting some on the side. Then the fit hit the shan at the TTC with Sleepy and Dopey making the news and suddenly along comes a lady with a story..."

bahaha, sleepy and dopey. if anyone has been following the news in toronto as of late re: the TTC, you'll know exactly who those two names are referring to. so clever!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

cooking corner: pasta bake

i'm no chef, but i think i'm *slowly* getting better at cooking. :)

i had things all planned out for this week's dinner (i switched nights for this week so i was in charge of making dinner yesterday), but unfortunately i forgot the food i was going to make at home! that was quite problematic since i didn't have a clue what to make anymore, but instead of panicking i just went with it. after class i stopped by a grocery store to pick up a few things (i.e. ground beef, mozzarella cheese, rotini, and a cucumber) and then i was ready.

i boiled the pasta in one pot and cooked the beef with onions, and garlic in a separate pot (our pans are super horrible here so i try to stay away from those as much as possible). i combined everything together when the meat was cooked (i already drained the pasta) and added pasta sauce and cucumbers to the mix. then i tossed everything into a casserole dish, sprinkled a healthy dose (read: thick layer) of grated cheese on top, and threw everything into the oven at 350 degrees for 10 mins. the result? one yummy pasta bake. :d

i think the best part for me was that i didn't follow a recipe...and it didn't turn out to be a total disaster, haha. chef michael smith (a.k.a. "chef at home") would have been proud.

unfortunately i didn't take any pictures but believe you me, it was quite good. :)

p.s. when cooking the onions, garlic, and beef i added in salt, oregano, basil, and a few shakes of worcestershire sauce - no measuring, i just kind of (literally) threw them in - but i think those things were good for my pasta.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

t-minus 6 months

can you believe it? i'm getting married in exactly half a year from today.

sweet. :)
for more details and updates, check out our wedding page.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

crunch time

for all of january i dreaded february...and now it's here. *sobs* everything for me this term is due sometime this month and things are going to be ugly. first up, my scholarly paper due monday (good lord, i wish i had more done by now.) i think the following picture depicts my present feelings beautifully:

you said it kid. ok, back to writing - wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

book nook: the luxe series

the luxe series
anna godbersen

oh man, it's been a long time since i've written a book review...or read a book for that matter. so sad. :( anyway, i finished the last of these books back in december during my christmas vacation when i still had time to read, but i just never got around to writing about it until now.

this book series is basically gossip girl set in late nineteeth-century manhattan. (read: drama, backstabbing, betrayal, love triangles, and more drama...this is why it's teen fiction, haha.) the story follows a bunch of socialites on their path towards adulthood...or something rather, with each book being a new year. also weaved throughout the series are 'newspaper clippings' from this time period which start off each chapter and help to set the mood and reinforce the time period.

all in all i thought it was a pretty good series although some of the storylines were kind of ehh and others were just weird. overall, the start of the series was strong, but the fourth book made for a bad ending. i gotta admit though, it was pretty entertaining at times (so much drama!) and godbersen succeeded in making you really like some characters and really hate others.

bottom line: if you're really into gossip girl-type stuff and you're looking for an easy read, then these books could work for you. :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

my favourites of me and my favourite

we got all of our engagement photos from our afternoon of taking pictures and i love them! they're all great, but here are a few of my favourites. enjoy!

^ pictures taken by the talented glendon tang - thanks dude, you're awesome! :)
for more details and updates, check out our wedding page.

Monday, January 11, 2010

into the woods

i took a detour on the way home from school today and ended up on a hiking trail somewhere between the university and my house. it was quiet, serene, and really beautiful, and i had never gone down that path before so i was curious to see where it went. i took some pictures with my phone and while they really don't do the trail any justice, here's a little glimpse of what i saw today:

even though i doubt i'd go again any time soon, i'm really glad that i tried it out and that i went (even though in retrospect it probably wasn't the smartest or safest thing to do.) there's just something super peaceful about being surrounded by huge trees that remind you of how small you are, and the sound of snow crunching beneath your feet reminding you of how small you once were. :)

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

snowboarding fail

what do you get when you have an unathletic girl, a snowboard, and a big hill mountain which is clearly too difficult for a first-time snowboarder? my first snowboarding experience. granted in the beginning it was actually quite fun, but after some bad decisions the day ended with me and two friends having to walk down the mountain. we literally walked down at least 3/4 of mont tremblant with no one around (the slopes had already closed because it took us that long to get down the first 1/4) as it slowly got darker and darker. there was other stuff that just compounded the crappiness of the situation, but on the whole it was really scary and totally traumatizing.

yah, i'm so done with snowboarding.

p.s. mont tremblant is beautiful! but if i ever go again i will give skiing another try. or just walk around the village.
edit: apparently my experience happened to another friend of mine, only she was alone on the mountain (read: she had it worse). she's a trooper though as she has gone snowboarding two more times since then. as for me? yah i think i'm still out, haha.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

i love you, montreal.

despite the biting cold, ridiculous amounts of snow, and crazy streets and drivers, montreal has got to be one of my favourite canadian cities. we spent new years there this year and seriously, every time i go i just end up liking the city more and more. too bad my french is atrocious. makes me wish i paid more attention during high school french.

well, almost.