Friday, May 21, 2010

sweet weekend

it's the weekend! sweeeet. it's even sweeter because of the fact that it's a four day weekend for me (we switched out friday tutorial to thursday this week so we could have another day off). and it's the sweetest because of what happened back in 2009.

it's pretty crazy to think that in the span of 3 days (friday-sunday) this time last year, my life took a huge turn. i got into graduate school and, after taking a trip south of the border, came home to the perfect proposal, becoming engaged to my most favourite guy in the world.

plus, who doesn't love long weekends?

ahhh may 2-4 weekend, i heart you so much. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i heart dragon music

i love how music is so powerful. for example, i haven't listened to this soundtrack for at least 15 years, but it's just as intense for me now as it was back then. it's the kind of music that makes you stop what you're doing so you can just be in it. that's the power, and beauty, of music i guess. :)

see what i mean? so epic. so good.

randy edelman, you are a musical genius - there is nothing that could have been more perfect for this movie. i mean, there is no other piece of music that makes me want to reflect on life and learn kung fu, haha. i love soundtracks. :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

i heart sara

sara bareilles released her new single off her upcoming album this past monday and i love it! i love everything about it - the lyrics, the instrumentation, the overall fact, i don't even mind that the melody has been stuck in my head for the past two days.

here's what she had to say about it (taken from
"'King of Anything' is sort of a 'f**k you' song," jokes Bareilles. "I've had more unsolicited advice on my life than I care to mention, and this was how I dealt with it. It felt empowering to turn that frustration into music, especially a song that doesn't even sound angry. That's sort of what 'Love Song' was as well. Apparently, I don't get over things very quickly."

bahaha, how could you not love her?

anyway, i think she is great. i saw her in toronto two years ago but nothing really happened since then, so i'm excited that she released this single. plus, if this song is indicative of what's to come, i think her new album is going to be awesome. :)

click here to listen to "king of anything" - enjoy!

Saturday, May 08, 2010

t h r e e

in exactly three months from now our wedding will be over and we'll be married! :) but until we get there, i can't believe how much more still needs to be done. o_O
for more details and updates, check out our wedding page.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

the day a fire hydrant waved at me

generally speaking, the people in my neighbourhood are really friendly - they smile, make eye-contact, and some of them even say "hello" when you pass them on the sidewalk.

...and sometimes, if you're lucky, fire hydrants will say "hello" too. :)

Sunday, May 02, 2010

brad doggett | v i v a . l a . v i d a (coldplay cover)

i blogged about this guy a while back, but then i went and forgot about him until this past weekend, haha. turns out he's actually posted some really great stuff since 2008 and has apparently recorded and released an EP too.

anyway, here's one of his covers that i particularly liked. enjoy!