Tuesday, November 28, 2006


the more snowflakes created between now to the end of the year, the more money popular front will donate to the salvation army. (and who or what exactly is popular front? honestly, i have no idea. all i know is more flakes = more money given to the salvation army, and that can't be bad thing.)

make a flake, make a difference.
dang. i should be a slogan creator.

click here to be part of the snowflake-making goodness.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

the worst kind of blogger

i switched over to blogger beta because usually anything associated with google is pretty good, but after seeing how useless the switch was, i really wish i didn't. and now i can't go back. stupid blogger beta. oh yah, and i guess my archives knew how bad blogger beta was because as soon as i switched over, they ran away and now they're gone. please come back.

don't do it. don't switch to blogger beta. consider yourself warned.

ok, i really need to stop procrastinating. haha. :P

Saturday, November 11, 2006

two months in...

so i've been interning for about two months now and even though the pay sucks crap ($0/hr and no, that's not a type-o) i've generally been enjoying myself. most days work doesn't even really feel like "work" which i suppose is a good sign. haha. :) in retrospect, not getting into grad school was a huge blessing in disguise. sure there are days when i wonder what my life would have been like if my own plans for myself had become a reality, but at the end of the day i'm glad things turned out the way they did. i guess, at least for now, He has plans for me in this field.

there are still times when i worry about whether or not i'll be able to find a job after my internship is over, and other times where the thought of working as a music therapist scares me for some reason, but there isn't really anything i can do about it at this point. the only thing i can do is take things as they come, know that He is looking after me, and trust that things will be ok.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

twenty-three and still silly

to the greatest boyfriend in the whole world,
you deserve nothing short of the greatest day ever.
happy birthday justin! :)