Saturday, December 27, 2008

this just in: mother nature is a drunk.

heehee, i know this article is about the weather, but the writer was so amusing i just had to post it. my favourite part?

"You can almost see her, if you squint hard enough: Mother Nature passed out in a snowbank with lipstick smeared across her cheek and a half-empty bottle of whiskey by her side."

bahaahhahaha. now, where's that intervention banner?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

it's christmas time in the city...

hope that your day is full of happiness and so much love as you surround yourselves with your family, friends, and other loved ones.

merry christmas from me and the snowman on the bench! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i <3 phil

even after listening to it over and over again, this song is still so freakin' fantastic. and really, how can you not like the 90s-ness of it all? hahaha, love it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

important thoughts from little sharon

i was cleaning my room a while back and came across this: little sharon's to-do list.

wow, "everyday"? i really meant business back then. let's hope i did the things on the list - especially the first one. :)