Tuesday, September 30, 2008

on the mend - for real this time.

so i thought that things were getting better and that everything was well on its way to being normal again until today when my stomach got all upset and i found myself in the bathroom again. i stuck it out for the rest of the day, but called the doctor's office again to book another appointment because even i know that 10+ days of stomach issues is not normal. luckily my test results from last week were in and it turns out that it wasn't stomach flu at all. instead, i have bacteria in my stomach.

those stupid nasty little boogers.

anyway, my doctor prescribed me some drugs to kill all the little gits who have been wreaking havoc on my gi tract as of late so hopefully they'll all die off in the next couple of days. in the meantime, i'm just really happy that it wasn't all in my head and that my doctor said it was safe to eat again.

...see you at the fridge. :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

on the mend, finally.

i ate this for dinner yesterday! my first real meal in 10 days and so far my stomach hasn't totally crapped out on me. :) sure, my appetite wasn't exactly all back so i didn't finish everything and i've been having little mini-tummyaches sporadically thoughout the day, but it hasn't been anything like last week, so i'll take it as a good sign.

honestly i'm just relieved things are looking better. there were times when i thought i'd be eating mash-up pumpkins, saltines, and water, for the rest of my life. gross.

keep up the good work, tummy!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

stomach update

yah, still hurts. stomach still sucks.

my plan of reintroducing solids totally failed. i tried to eat instant noodles for lunch today, but my stomach didn't react to great to it so i didn't even get to try any real solids. tomorrow will be the seventh day of "eating", but hopefully i'll be able to eat real food again soon.

i'm planning on sucking it up and heading back to work tomorrow, so hopefully the pain and stomachaches will subside. we'll see how that goes.

so hungry, but not

after 5 days of eating nothing but crackers, digestive cookies, jello, soup, and liquids, i think it's time to start reintroducing some solids into my diet. you would think i'd be more hungry (i'm usually always hungry!), but my appetite has all but disappeared as of late. it's a very wierd feeling. oh well, let's hope this virus of mine has upped and left by now.

it will not be missed.

Monday, September 22, 2008

it's here!

today is the first day of autumn! so in celebration of today, i've put together a little haiku for your reading pleasure. here we go!

i love this season.
the leaves change colours and fall.
so we can crunch them.

umm yah, i was never too good at elementary school poetry. :P

Saturday, September 20, 2008

sick to my stomach

i started having bad stomachaches on thursday at work, but shrugged it off and went into work friday stomachaches and all. then i started getting chills and my skin got all tingly everywhere, but i attributed this to the facility being cold, sucked it up, and continued working anyway. chills got worse but i decided to go to the final facility of the week when i realized that everyone around me was wearing t-shirts and had their windows down, while i was wearing a wool sweater, jacket, and had the heat going at some points...and was still getting chills. made it to the final facility, told them i was going home early, and made an appointment to see the doctor.

turns out i was sick with the stomach flu. my digestive system sucks.

hurry up and clear out, virus. this "diet" of saltine crackers, flat pop, and chicken noodle soup (sans the noodles) is just not cutting it for me.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

r s s

btw, i added an rss feed thingie on the left in case there were other people who wanted to subscribe since i got one of those feedburner account things. (can you tell i have no idea what i signed up for?) anyway, i actually don't really like rss feeds all that much because i'd rather see webpages in their entirety, but now the option to subscribe is there if you want it but didn't know how to do it before. :)

if you ask me, the sciam article is way more interesting than anything rss related, haha! :P

from the geek in me

came across this article from scientific american re: autism, william's syndrome, and eye tracking. really interesting stuff! check it out here.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

shine on harvest moon

my tummy is happy and full after eating my dinner followed by some mooncake. mmmmmm. :d i was trying to look up some more info on the chinese festival of the night and here's what i came up with: the chinese take on how the moon got its face (scroll down to the stories section.) gotta love legends and folklore. and wikipedia.

happy mid-autumn moon festival everyone! :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

everybody loves apple

lookit! there are paint droplets falling from the nanos! it doesn't even really make sense, but i love it just the same. how can you not love mac ads?

p.s. the blue one, fourth from the left, is the same colour as my iskin for my 3rd generation ipod. and yes i said 3rd generation - i'm old school baby, old school. (it still works, so why not? haha!) :)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

home life

there's nothing quite like returning home after being away even if you've only been gone a few days. after spending two weekends away from home, i breathed a happy and satisfied sigh of relief as i walked in through the front door this afternoon. my house may not be the tidiest, most glamourous, or even nicest, but it's home to me. and the comfort of home just can't be matched anywhere else.

i always knew i was a home girl at heart. :)

Monday, September 01, 2008

from montreal to new york city

^ a panoramic view of Manhattan from the top of the MET (7 pictures in 1)
i really like the stitch-assist/panoramic thing on my camera and i'm kicking myself now for not using it by the bridges in brooklyn. note to self: use it more.

this past weekend was spent on a great trip with a bunch of great friends. :) from the megabus, to hard rock cafe, to matt's apartment, to the met, we managed to fill our limited time in the city with many laughs, memories, and good times. highlights included: meeting up with liz and maxine, "beautiful harlem", all the famous food joints, the boys sitting where harry met sally, sweating like maniacs while waiting for the subway, no more chipotle, and the ladies playing dress-up at urban outfitters (so glad no one works in the basement.)

all in all it was an excellent trip despite the mishaps (i.e. broken windshield wiper which caused a 3.5 hour delay.) there's no other group of people i'd rather have gotten stuck on a 13.5 bus ride with and hey, at least we got free round-trip tickets out of it. where to next? :)