Monday, September 30, 2002

"You are holy, holy, holy,
both now and forevermore".

those song lyrics have been stuck in my head for a while now. they're from a song sung at the embassy last monday. God. holy both now and forevermore. for eternity. something for me to meditate on...

i don't think that i'm going to embassy tonight. on account of me being a little sick and having a psych test tomorrow (which i still need to catch up on my readings for). *sigh* this weekend has been quite crazy. but it was so nice being home again. :) seeing my parents, having dinners with them, being in my room, going to ETCBC (i miss that place!). that car ride home was really fun too. (thanks james!!) it was james, justin, alli and me. and none of us fell asleep. :) it was really great talking with talking times! i'm going to miss home again (like i always do when i'm here) but i better get used to living here in waterloopoo. i'm gonna be here for a while. it's getting better though i think. i'm getting more adjusted to my surroundings. it's week 4 of classes, week 5 of being in this goes by pretty quick...

i feel so blessed. everything seems to be working out fine. my program (music) my courses (even though some are more enjoyable than others) my teachers (although some of them are a litte sketchy)...i'm happy to be where i am though. i totally fel that God was pushing me towards music last year, and even though i resisted a little bit i eventually gave in and i think it was the best thing i could have done. i feel relaxed, content, and very happy. i'm happy to be able to use my spiritual gift of music for enjoyment, serving and academic purposes. my whole experience of picking a university to go to and a major to go in for, has been one that has taught me a lot. I learned first hand, through experience that God knows best. and if you follow His plan for you, things will work out eventually and you will enjoy His plan soooo much more than your own plans. and it's a good thing, because most of the time we have no clue what we really want. not to say that our plans for ourselves are all bad and horrible. it's just that, God's plan are just so much better than ours. :)

Thursday, September 26, 2002

technically 'today' is wednesday, september 25. it's just early in the morning...*yawn*

lalala...well today was pretty good - for wednesday. wednesdays are my packed days, starting at 8:30am and ending at 8:30pm (mind you, i don't have classes all in a row so i do get some breaks). my masterclass was today. it was bad news. the bad news of today happened there. (heehee) first off i was a little late (because...i dunno...i was carried away doing something in my door) so by the time i got to the recital hall (which is where it was for the last two weeks) i was like 15mins late. so i was about to go through the back stage door to get to the hall when i stopped and heard singing. now, i'm in music at laurier majoring in piano, so i shouldn't here singing. so went to the john aird building (3rd floor) and looked at the list posted outside my instructor's door. turns out that for today my masterclass was in another room. so by the time i found that room (grrrrrr A318...i couldn't find it for the longest time. it's NOT beside A319 or A317...??????) i was 30mins late. then i listened until i had to play. and i played horribly. ack. my first impression to the class and i totally messed it up. guess that means i need to try that much harder to redeem myself. although considering that out of everyone i probably practice the least, i shouldn't be suprised. i need to get myself into school mode - or else bad things will start to happen...anyway. i need to try my best. God didn't bring me here for me to put in a half-hearted effort. i need give it my all...

anyway, well after my philosophy class (which ended at 8:20pm) i headed over to LCCF <-- Laurier Chinese Christian Fellowship. it was a bible study on the parable of the sower. it was pretty good. my leader, dawn, had a lot of good stuff to say - along with others in my bible study group. i just wish that i didn't hafta go in late everytime because of philosophy. then afterwards i was talking to justin and anita then we got pitas (well...justin and i got pitas - anita waited with us until the grocery run bus came to pick her up). anita is great...i really like her. she's so nice. one of the coolest people here in waterloo in my opinion. ahha. we're gonna treat her on our one cards. :)

God has totally blessed me in terms of providing people at certain times. like friends in waterloo, without which the transition from living in toronto and living in waterloo would have been 1203983547829 times worse. i want to especially want to thank, adrienne, jon, anita, allison, will and edmund. and a big thank you goes to justin. who lives on the 4th floor. hahaha. we're great. :) i also wanted to thank, leo for coming to visit us here in waterloo and for the once upon a tandem poster. i read it over and over, and it's totally been a source of encouragement. just like yourself. :) God is wonderful. He's so good to me. too good to me. after everything i've ever done to Him, He still continues to love and guide me. wow. that, i find amazing. and truly comforting. what an awesome Father i have in heaven. :)

well, i think that's enough for one day. should get some sleep. that's something i lack these days. take care and enjoy the pitas... :d

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

wow. so i finally got one of these things. figured, it's easier for me to type out what's going through my mind then saying. wierd. but oh well. but what can you do? so it's my third week of university. didn't think it would be like this at all. tv shows like felicity really throw totally alter perceptions of university and probably leave most frosh disappointed that their university life isn't the same. ahhaha. whatever. :P there's hollywood for you. always altering reality, creating a 'perfect' world that doesn't exist. that's alright though. beacuse things aren't so bad. i'll survive. i'm missing home lots. missing my parents, my sister (even though she's gone in Boston anyway), my house, my room and the people who have been there for me and have put smiles on my face. :) hope that wherever they are, they are having the time of their lives (cause they totally deserve it).

anyway, so yesterday i went to the Embassy - which is this church service on the waterloo campus held on monday nights, and i thought that it was really good. the worship there was totally amazing. i haven't heard worship like that ever since....i took my cd out of my cd player. ahha. it was THAT good. they played united live songs better than united live themselves. and they seemed so real out there. their eyes were closed, they were was real. the speaker wasn't bad either. said some really good stuff, about farsightedness, nearsightedness and how we need vision in our lives.

that's something i totally need. vision. and not just long-term or short-term, but a balanced vision. i need to look ahead without disregarding the present, i need to concentrate on the present and yet not forget about the future. i need to look at my priorities again. i need to determine what God wants for me. i need to get back in touch with my Heavenly Father. i need to not only say these these things, but this time i need to actually get out there and do them. it's time for a change...and the time is now.