Wednesday, September 25, 2002

wow. so i finally got one of these things. figured, it's easier for me to type out what's going through my mind then saying. wierd. but oh well. but what can you do? so it's my third week of university. didn't think it would be like this at all. tv shows like felicity really throw totally alter perceptions of university and probably leave most frosh disappointed that their university life isn't the same. ahhaha. whatever. :P there's hollywood for you. always altering reality, creating a 'perfect' world that doesn't exist. that's alright though. beacuse things aren't so bad. i'll survive. i'm missing home lots. missing my parents, my sister (even though she's gone in Boston anyway), my house, my room and the people who have been there for me and have put smiles on my face. :) hope that wherever they are, they are having the time of their lives (cause they totally deserve it).

anyway, so yesterday i went to the Embassy - which is this church service on the waterloo campus held on monday nights, and i thought that it was really good. the worship there was totally amazing. i haven't heard worship like that ever since....i took my cd out of my cd player. ahha. it was THAT good. they played united live songs better than united live themselves. and they seemed so real out there. their eyes were closed, they were was real. the speaker wasn't bad either. said some really good stuff, about farsightedness, nearsightedness and how we need vision in our lives.

that's something i totally need. vision. and not just long-term or short-term, but a balanced vision. i need to look ahead without disregarding the present, i need to concentrate on the present and yet not forget about the future. i need to look at my priorities again. i need to determine what God wants for me. i need to get back in touch with my Heavenly Father. i need to not only say these these things, but this time i need to actually get out there and do them. it's time for a change...and the time is now.