Thursday, November 28, 2002

i was just about to go to bed, but then i looked out the window...

now, the view from my room isn't anything too extraordinary. at this moment, from my window i can see houses, streetlights, the road, outlines of trees, and falling snowflakes. it's beautiful. everything is covered by a thin layer of snow. i'm not sure what it is about this moment, but i'm captivated. it's so serene. so tranquil. so still. so quiet. so breathtaking. so this is what it's like for everything to be still...there's one verse that is repeating itself over and over and over again in my head.

"be still and know that I am GOD".

thank You, Lord. thank You for this moment.

i miss fall - i miss the beauty of different coloured leaves, but winter's not so bad... :)