Sunday, March 30, 2003

the university life...

it's not remotely similar to anything on TV. shows like "undeclared" and "felicity" totally decieve you.


it's still alright. :)

so i did my laundry today up here in loo. ahaha. my first time all year. and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. yay for clean clothes :) i put everything into one load because i was too lazy to sort when i took out some pieces of clothing from the dryer, there were little color stains. ask amy, she was there - laughing at my reactions. heheheh. it was fun. :) ( fun as doing laundry can be). but it's quite a different experience - doing laundry in a res as opposed to the comfort of your own home. but i guess that's the wierd part. as crazy as this may sound...i think that i'm gonna somewhat miss this place next year. i won't necessarily miss all the annoying boys that live in 3W or the constant ringing of the elevator or the screams that sometimes occur at 4 in the morning....but i'll look back on my days here, and i'll be able to smile. :) it's gonna be wierd, living across the street looking at the residence as opposed to looking out from it. don't get me wrong tho - i'm still totally looking forward to next year

but still...i think i'll miss my froshie days too when it's all over...i think we all will...and i think everyone does.