Wednesday, December 24, 2003

my farewell to the city that never sleeps...

and just like that, my week long trip to new york city has come to an end. *sniff* it's been a great week. i came here not really liking this that i've been here, walked the sidewalks, viewed the buildings, taken rides on the subway, i'm relunctant to go. i'm gonna miss the bustling, the hustling, the elbowing - everything minus the filth and dirtyness of the city. :P hahaha. in any case, i never thought that i'd say this but, i'm gonna miss this city.

- getting here safely. (i rode the plane. all by my lonesome.) haha :P
- seeing lizhead. :)
- seeing lotr III with liz
- seeing maxine, and auntie juliana
- shopping (i love the shopping here. i need to get a job. then come back.)
- squishing four of us into a little apartment
- NBC/Rockefeller Centre Tour

*sigh* it was fun. quite the fun trip. but, sadly it has come to an end. my next adventure? urbana 2003.

p.s. merry Christmas everyone. see u boogers real soon. :)