Monday, March 08, 2004

the "Passion" taken to the next level.

it's one thing to watch the passion movie. it's another thing to read the real story in the Bible and realize that the physical suffering depicted in the movie actually happened. i read somewhere on some blog i so happened to come across, that someone thought that the movie was too gory. i couldn't disagree more. it was gory, but perhaps other Jesus movies were not gory enough? either way, doesn't matter. here are the facts:

He was betrayed with a kiss. He was spit and struck on that same face. He was flogged. He was mocked. He was insulted. He was given a crown of thorns. He was struck on the head. He was beaten. just read the Bible, it's all in there...along with much more.

oh sweet Jesus.

"Jesus is the bravest guy i know"
- Dave Overholt

oh, i definitely agree.