Saturday, April 24, 2004


i love gundy bear (aka. "gundy").

he's my all-time-favourite-all-star-hug-and-squish-i-love-him-all-the-time bear. (he's a white Gund polar bear looking thing.) :) i've never washed him in the washing machine before - i don't trust them. good grief i wash him by hand and after that's done, i wrap him up in a towel and blow him dry with my hairdryer. (or, at least blow him a little dryer). on the COOL setting so his fur doesn't get all messed up, demented, gross and ugly. i've had him ever since i was little and for as long as i can remember i have been calling him the name which i had so lovingly bestowed upon him, gundy bear. i remember when my best-friend in elementary school received a pink gund bear she wanted to name hers gundy too...

i wouldn't let her. he had to either be gundy jr. or another name completely.

before you think i'm a horrible mean bitter person, hear me out. it wasn't that i was being mean. but it was because i didn't want gundy to feel as though he wasn't as special anymore because another bear was going around with his name. Gundy bear was the only "gundy" i knew of - and that was MY name, for MY bear. i was pretty firm about it too. i actually remember getting pretty upset about the whole thing. and this was probably like...when i was 9 or so. it was alright though, she understood. (she was a great best-friend). :)

anyway, back to the point of this blog. so just realized that there is more than one gund bear out there going by the name gundy. now, just as i was little ehh about the whole thing when i was 9, the feelings are kind of coming back again. *sigh* some things never change i guess. gundy (though people make fun of the name when they first find out what my bear's name is) is an awesome name. everybody wants it for their bear too. the only problem is that gundy was my special name for my favourite bear in the whole world...but now it doesn't seem all that special anymore. :(

maybe i should rename him? hmmm....what do you think of the name OscarFred? :) beeheehee (hahaha. still gets me everytime. i love it.)

man. maybe i just need to let the name thing go. (but ack! it's hard!) maybe i need to grow up. (and maybe, i need to get ready for my exam that's real soon). ;)