Tuesday, January 04, 2005

third year, second term.

it's hard to believe that we're already starting second term. time flies.

this year i've definitely changed some things in my life. i've put more things into perspective and have gotten my priorities straighter than before, and so far it seems to have helped a lot. last term was a successful one in terms of school (my best one in all my terms here at laurier) despite it being the busiest with my seven courses, music therapy placement, and work (so glad i'm not working this term.) although i'm still waiting on two of my grades, i'm completely satisfied with the marks that have come in so far, which is definitely a first.

in terms of the other parts of life, it has definitely been an interesting ride. at times it's been really rough and incredibly hard, but i've been blessed with some awesome people in my life. i've been fortunate in terms of being able to cultivate, develop and strengthen friendships with great people - i think that i have a better picture of those i can count on, those i can trust, and those i simply cannot and would rather keep my distance from. i definitely cherish the aforementioned group of people and their friendship. :)

as i look back and reflect, i cannot help but see how good God has to me so far this year. while He continues to stretch me through my experiences, and test me through circumstances, i know that He has everything under control. i know He knows exactly what is going on. i just need to keep that in mind no matter what.

so, as i write this blog entry in the early morning before the first day of school in 2005, here's a toast to the start of another term. oh, and one last thing: happy new year. :) kampai! *clink*