Thursday, July 28, 2005

harry potter and the half-blood prince

so, i started reading this two days ago and i finished it yesterday morning around 2am. i seriously read this book whenever i could - just ask liz. whenever i went away and was really quiet it was because i was reading harry potter. bah hah.

but really, that J.K. Rowling has an incredible imagination. so impressive. totally sucks me in and i seriously can't stop reading until the pages run out. i probably would have read the whole book straight if i could have. and whatever. i know i'm twenty-one. i don't care. i like harry potter. no. i LOVE HARRY POTTER. :P

the book itself was (in my opinion) very well-written. it didn't seem so drawn out in some parts like in the fourth and fifth books when i thought some portions of the book were too long, so that was a plus. i did, however, think the ending was a little one minute you're reading and really into the book, and then you turn the page and it's like the publisher information or whatever the crap it is that's on the very very last page of the book. i read somewhere that the seventh book is supposed to be somewhat like a continuation of the sixth book though, so maybe that's why...? i hate it when they make you wait. like in tv shows when the screen goes black and all you see are the words, "to be continued..." aghhhhh. that's the worst. i want to read the seventh book now. :P

but anyway, like levar burton (haha what happened to that guy?) said back in the day when he was on that old tv show (that apparently still exists...?!) reading rainbow, "don't take my word for it".

read it. i totally recommend it. :)