Thursday, July 06, 2006

i wish my lungs were bigger.

i recently decided to pick up the flute again; i figure it's a good instrument to have in music therapy...flutes are small and therefore portable, unlike pianos which just aren't. i used to play in elementary school so i thought that relearning how to play the instrument would be relatively easy.

oh was i ever wrong.

the first day i got my flute i practiced for about 4 hours...and sucked for the first 3 and a half. (i think i might have blew my brains out a little too much that day because that night when i went to bed around 1:30 i could fall to sleep until 7:30am.) whoops. in anycase, i've got A LOT of practicing to do in order to get from where i am now to where i want to be by the end of the summer, and the start of my internship, but for now it's all about the little steps and mini-goals.

mini-goal #1: to be able to play the instrument without gasping for air, like someone who's drowning, every two bars.