Thursday, August 31, 2006

runaway nose, never going back.

dear mr. ragweed,

when we first met you looked so harmless with your green leaves and 'branches' (which seemed to reach towards the sun and scream "hug me!"). at first i thought maybe we could be friends, but now i know it just wouldn't be possible; over the years, your true colours have shone through your little facade. portraying an innocent looking plant. ha! you should be ashamed of yourself.

i have come to realize that beneath your leaves and seemingly innocent demeanor lies an ugly monster whose main goal is to wreak havoc on the lives of others. i mean, this morning i woke up to find my nose packed and on its way out the door. you see, my nose had decided to run away thanks to you. sure there were times when i managed to calm it down and had convinced it to stay awhile, but then you showed up and i found myself back at square one again.

mr. ragweed, at the risk of being too blunt and abrasive, i feel it is in your best interest that you know that no one likes you. with that in mind, i suggest you stop trying to pollute my neighbourhood with your pollen, pack your bags, and get move on outta here before everybody's noses start dripping like leaky faucets. thanks.


p.s. you owe me money for kleenex.