Monday, October 09, 2006

unnaturally green

as part of my birthday present from liz, we went to see wicked yesterday and i thought it was freakin' awesome!! from the minute i stepped into the canon theatre to the moment i stepped out, i was so excited!

in terms of our seats, i couldn't believe our luck when we purchased our tickets. never before have i ever sat in such good seats at a musical (orch row EE seats 25 & 26 - fifth row centre.) it seriously doesn't get much better than that. i swear one of the performers in the ensemble looked right at me during the musical! haha. it was awesome being so close. i got to see everything from facial expressions and stage make-up, to costume/set design and spit flying out of the performer's mouths. very cool.

as for the performance in general, i thought that it was done really well. the performers were great, and the musicians in the orchestra pit were right on. (omg i would LOVE to play in a musical.) i guess if you were to compare our performance with the original soundtrack you'd hear a lot of discrepancies, but i really liked hearing it live. i loved hearing how the performers really personalized their roles in the little things they did to tweak their part. seemed all that much more...real.

i waited a looooong time to see this musical and it definitely didn't let me down. the plot was great, the singing was great, and the music was awesome! i totally recommend this musical to everyone.

so what did i think of wicked? i thought it was well...wicked. ;)

totally random...

so during the intermission i walked out of the theatre and into the main foyer area when i saw this guy who looked really familiar. i guess he thought i looked really familiar to him too because we just kinda looked at each other. then we kinda walked towards each other going "jeremy?", "sharon?", "jeremy ross?", "sharon man?" hahaha. i seriously couldn't believe the randomness of it all.

anyway, he was one of my classmates back in grade eight. it was cool seeing him again and hearing what he's been up to lately. i guess despite turning 23, i still look the same as i did when i was 13.

i'm still trying to decide whether this is a good thing or not.