Saturday, January 27, 2007

snowflakes keep fallin' on my head.

well, the canadian winter has finally found its way to toronto. snow is on the ground, it's not abnormally warm, and things feel normal again. there's something about snow that makes me feel like a 6 year old...i love it! i love the way it crunches beneath your boots, the way it falls and sticks to your hair and coat, the way it sparkles in the light of street lamps at night, and the way it covers the earth, making it look like someone spilled a bag of frosting sugar everywhere. yep, snow is great! well, until it turns into brown slushy crap. ughh.

so get on your toques, scarves, mittens, boots, and winter coats and go on outside! just remember, stay away from the yellow snow patches. o_O