Saturday, March 10, 2007

session block #2: (almost) done.

i have one more session to do at the bloorview nursery school and then my second ten-week session block will be over! (i'll still be doing inpatient sessions, but at least my community clients and preschool sessions will be done.) i actually just finished off the last of my saturday morning/afternoon sessions today. this means that i can now sleep in for the next four saturdays. sweet deal - oh how i've missed my saturday mornings! today was exceptionally hard to get out of bed. i woke up to the sight of grey clouds, light rain and gloominess. the only upside to the gloomy weather? the rain had "washed" my car leaving it relatively salt-free and much cleaner without me having to pay some dude (ermm, corporation?) at a gas station to clean it for me. :P

p.s. happy national sharon's day!!!!!! ;)


SYL said...

"happy national sharon's day" to you too!!

justin said...

oooh i like the new layout!

Will said...

man, so much white in the new layout. it's blinding!!! X( It's funny how your "national sharon's day" is the same day as my "national will's day." we need to talk...

also, if you want to wash your car relatively effortless, spray soap on your car before you know there will be a huge rain storm, and presto! :D