Wednesday, May 23, 2007

confessions of a swollen-eyed girl

ok, i confess: i'm one of those people who itch their eyes when they're itchy. i know i'm not supposed to do this, and i try my best not to (i really do!) but sometimes i just can't help it. :(

...NEVER again.

so yesterday, when i was at work, my eyes started to get itchy. i tried to ignore it, blink hard, or do something other than scratch, but sooner or later my finger found its way to my eye and began doing its thing. at first things were ok...then things got bad. really bad. it kinda went like this:

lovely, no? anyway, it's been almost a day since this happened but for some reason my eyes are still puffy (aghhhh). wierd thing is, i've never looked more asian in my life. the puffiness made my double eye-lid fold thing disappear, shrunk the size of my eyes, and now i look like cristina yang.

lesson learned. don't rub your eyes.

sidenote: today i went to work with puffy eyes, but oddly enough, the only person to comment on the puffiness was the only other chinese girl working there. it's like the others didn't even realize they were puffy at all...haha. :P

oh well, hopefully the swelling with disappear by tonight. i'm watching shrek 3 with the girls... ;)