Friday, May 11, 2007

oh procrastinator me

so i have a little "accompanying gig" tomorrow. my ex-supervisor's husband is having an end-of-year concert for his students and they asked me if i could help them out, and i said yes. this means i will leave work early and go accompany to make a little extra money. yay! soooo, he gave me the music probably almost a month ago and, until just recently, it stayed right where i left it - on a spot on my bedroom floor. heh. i actually kinda forgot about it until i stepped on the pile of music and unearthed it from beneath a pile of clothes. ooops.

anyway, i finally came to my senses and realized the concert was THIS saturday on wednesday, so i got out the music and played through the pieces. most of it is ok, but one or two of the songs are a little harder than i expected. o_O oh goodness. i wish i had another day, but i don't. *sigh* we'll have to see how things go.

oh procrastinator me...once a slacker, always a slacker. :P