Monday, August 04, 2008

carrying the banner

so i finally got my hands on a copy of newsies this past saturday and although the last time i saw this movie was at least 7-10 years ago, it was like being reunited with an old friend. i've already watched it 4 times (not including watching clips of the movie here and there), sung all the songs at the top of my lungs, and watched all the bonus material. hahaha. i'm freakin' amazing.

i miss good quality movies like this - they're just not the same nowadays. my apologies to the high school musical fans out there, but newsies totally kicks high school musical's arse over and over again. the dancing is better. the singing is better. the music is better. the storyline is better. everything about it is just better. oh and did i mention that christian bale is in it? (i love christian bale - loved him ever since newsies!) come on now let's be honest, zac effron has got nothing on christian bale. i mean can you imagine zac effron as batman? eww, gross.

p.s. speaking of batman, i watched the dark knight with justin last friday and it was so good! scary at times (yay for justin letting me peek through his fingers!), but really good nonetheless. heath ledger was phenomenal as the joker. it's easy to see why he would have been so disturbed and unable to sleep - that joker is one deranged lunatic - its too bad how things turned out. so tragic. in any case, he was great and i really do hope he gets that oscar.


naomi said...

here you go: