Tuesday, September 30, 2008

on the mend - for real this time.

so i thought that things were getting better and that everything was well on its way to being normal again until today when my stomach got all upset and i found myself in the bathroom again. i stuck it out for the rest of the day, but called the doctor's office again to book another appointment because even i know that 10+ days of stomach issues is not normal. luckily my test results from last week were in and it turns out that it wasn't stomach flu at all. instead, i have bacteria in my stomach.

those stupid nasty little boogers.

anyway, my doctor prescribed me some drugs to kill all the little gits who have been wreaking havoc on my gi tract as of late so hopefully they'll all die off in the next couple of days. in the meantime, i'm just really happy that it wasn't all in my head and that my doctor said it was safe to eat again.

...see you at the fridge. :)