Saturday, May 09, 2009

twitter and the spotlight ep

so i caved: i'm now on twitter. i have no idea how any of it works at all and i'm still trying to see what the big deal with twitter is. so far it's pretty meh. in anycase, i figured i'd sign up with my name before someone else took it and i got stuck with some ridiculous name is like sharon12390 or something. eww.

on a completely different note, i've literally been listening to mute math's spotlight ep pretty much non-stop for the last week and surprisingly i'm still not sick of the songs. seeing as there are only four songs on the ep (three of which are actually the same song, but different mixes) i think that just shows how freakin' awesome this band is. and how much i love them. and how obsessed i am with them at the moment, haha. i really hope they come to toronto on their next tour. :)


justin said...

they put 3 of the same song on the same ep? jeez

Sharon said...

haha, yah and there are only four songs in total, but all of the mixes are so great! they are musical geniuses...and they totally break the spell of the typical.

justin said...

haha well said :)