Tuesday, August 04, 2009

summer conference 2009: one ekklesia

this past weekend i found myself back at laurier not as a student, but as a participant of my church's summer conference. for the first time in years this conference housed members from all three congregations at our church (canto, mando, and english) and i actually really enjoyed the fact that we were all there together. the speakers were good and while i generally enjoyed their messages (despite some kinks in the method of translation), my favourite part was hearing the members of our other congregations share about their testimonies and what their congregations are doing - it was a great opportunity for me to have a more holistic view of my church and hear what about going-ons beyond the walls of the inner court. what really struck me though, was how through hearing these sharings i gained a much more realistic view of where our congregation is at...

i think my heart broke a little this weekend.