Saturday, April 24, 2010

springtime in hamilton

i've been loving the weather lately! with the warm breezes, sunshine, and flowers that have started popping up all over the place, it's almost as if you can see and feel life everywhere. i like it.

anyway, i took advantage of the sunny days and walked to and from school everyday this past week! it was so nice being outside and outside looked so nice, so i decided to take my camera along too. :) here are some pics of what i saw:

^my shoes in the grass at the park near my place.

^magnolias - 'love pink'.
(wow i totally thought these were cherry blossoms...guess not, oops.)

^falling leaves - i thought these looked so cool.
(a bee kept harassing me while i was taking these so i guess it liked them too.)

^yellow flowers that spilled over a backyard fence.
(i liked how they looked against the wooden fence.)

^pink, purple, green, yellow, orange, white - i'm loving all this colour!


N said...

hahaha i still love how you always jack up the saturation =P very nice photos though

Sharon said...

bahaha, thanks! i didn't actually photoshop anything though - i just switched to the 'vibrant' setting and let the sun/my camera do their thing. :)