Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Honourable Woman

Have you heard of this series? I recently finished watching it and it is uh-maze-ing.

The Honourable Woman is an eight-part political spy-thriller TV mini-series directed by Hugo Blick and put on by the BBC. The show centres around Nessa Stein, a business woman and humanitarian at the helm of her father's mega corporation, who basically falls down the rabbit hole into international conflict/craziness. The backdrop is the conflict in the Middle East (talk about timing), but I didn't find that it minimized the present real-life conflict there at all.

Maggie Gyllenhaal stars as Nessa and she is just so so good (even her British accent is spot on - as far as my Canadian ears can tell anyway, lol). Actually there is a lot of great acting in this series in general. As for the show itself it comes in eight fully-packed episodes (read: it won't take long to get through it) and there will not be second season. CBC is going to be airing it this fall so it you're into this kind of thing (and not faint of heart because things do get graphic in this one), check it out!

What shows have you watched lately? Any good ones to share?