Tuesday, August 16, 2016


When I was seventeen I spent about a week on a native reserve in BC and while I was there I met the sweetest little girl, Carla. She must have been about 6 or 7 back then and had one of those contagious smiles that light up your whole face. I distinctly remember hearing her shout, "Shaaaarrrronnnnnn!" while running down the road towards me one morning with the hugest smile on her face; That was one of the best moments. I had never been on anything like that trip before - I remember feeling so much joy while I was there and literally cried on the plane home.

This morning, fifteen years later, K picked up my photo album and handed it to me saying, "Read this please," probably thinking it was a book. As I looked through the pictures I couldn't help but linger on a few of them, remembering and attempting to put the fuzzier memories into focus. It's been a long time since I've thought about that trip and the kids there that are now fifteen years older, and I can't help but wonder where they are and who they have become. They were all innocent little kids growing up in a harsh environment where they were at a disadvantage right from the start. My memories of them are hazy now, but Carla sticks out for me and I hope with all my heart that she is thriving. I really hope this for all of them.