Monday, November 11, 2002

the s u p e r blog...

sorry for the delay in my blogging. i guess i'm just a lazy bum...but hopefully this will make up for it...anyway, i digress. i'll start from the beginning of my super-long weekend. :)

w e d n e s d a y [nov.6] - coming home

wednesday was pretty good...i ended up not going to philosophy again (goodness. i need to go to my next one. i haven't been to one since my midterm exam! oh well. just need to motivate myself to read i suppose). instead i came home early! yay!!! yup, that's right. i skipped my thursday and friday classes so i could go back to TO for my commencement. yes I, Sharon, have officially commenced. :) didn't really do much when i got home...watched Gilmore Girls...on TV (as opposed on my computer) and it felt...great! i love gilmore girls. *sigh* :)

t h u r s d a y [nov.7] - commencing

thursday was pretty good. it felt good waking up, putting my feet over the side of the bed and feeling carpet. :) (my bathmat on my tiled res floor just isn't the same, u know?) i woke up about 9 30ish (about the same time i would've woken up for class, and i couldn't fall back asleep) so i went downstairs to have breakfast with mommy. then she left for work and i started...i don't even remember what i did. hehehe. i just wasted time until about 12ish, then 'a makeover story' came on and i watched that for a while. then, that night was commencement. it was really nice seeing everyone again - especially those whom i haven't seen since the last day of high school in june. so, although it was extremely boring to sit through everyone, it had its good points too. afterwards we all went back to UHS for the refreshments and whatever afterwards. it felt really wierd being in that building again. but whatever. those days are over. :) hahaa. although in some way, i'll miss them. then we were supposed to go for jap noodles, but they were closing. so instead of hunting for an open restaurant (like everyone else) me and lil decided to go back to my place. it was really nice getting a chance to catch up with Lil - since we haven't talked in what seems like...forever. then josh came over also and the three of us were talking - until lil fell asleep on the couch. heehee. silly lil. that day, i realised how much i missed seeing some school people. but at least we can still talk when we're all in town. :) thanks for the talks. really.

f r i d a y [nov.8] - alli/james/sharon day

ooh! today was fun! i went outlet shopping with alli and james today on orfus. hahaha. i got us lost on the way there. oops. typical me. :) i left the directions at home again. i wonder why i always tend to do that - figure out directions to a place, but then forget them at home when i need them the most. anyway, at least we got there alright. :) then we each bought one thing, not spending more than $20 each. then it was off to downtown TO. james had some crazy driving and had a little episode with a guy in an intrepid...but we won. muahahahaha. good job. :) and it was fun. then we went to the ROM. oh good ROM times. i remember when i used to go every year with Lisa Yap-Chung and her mom, way back when we were really young. hehehee. we'd always go to the batcave and have the time of our lives. ahhaha. it was great. so that place brought back some really good memories. so we went and got a little more cultured (right alli?) :) along with laugh our heads off AND we went to the batcave. i still love it. :) some things just never change...

s a t u r d a y [nov.9] - sharon day

saturday was my chillaxin day. it was really...relaxing. i didn't really do much. i slept in, talked to velsie on the telephoner, i watched tv and i went shopping again. i first went to michael to get wool for mommy, then to club monaco where i bought grey sweatpants (which are the most comfortable pair of pants ever made...honest. exactly what i've been looking for. e x a c t l y. sweet deal.) then it was off to chapters to look for justin's present (and they didn't have it. so poo on them. ahahha. *imagining poo getting dumped on chapters.* hahaha. sorry. i'll move on.)i went to first markham to get my glasses cleaned (with the super-cleaner machine in the store) and the owner remembered my name! yay! :) then i got them adjusted and tightened because they were getting awfully loose. then i went to jacob outlet, then i came home. and started to clean my room, but then got all distracted when i came across pictures. i love looking at pictures. so the cleaning room process kinda...didn't work. BUT...i now have pictures on the wall of my dorm. :) then i talked to velsie on the telephoner again (it was good talking times! so it went for quite some time...) then i called justin, and that was the end of sharon day. :) it was great shopping alone - shopping with people is really enjoyable...but there's something about shopping alone that appeals to me. although i don't mind shopping with others as fact, i did that the day before :)

s u n d a y [nov.10] - the end

sunday was the end of my mega-weekend. it was nice going to etcbc again. ahhaah. i was there the week before as well but too bad. uncle steve spoke about the heart of missions. he used the sponge analogy - how we need to be revitalized in Christ so we can have something to give, instead of walking around like dry sponges. i think that i dry out too easily, but i don't go back to the water source frequently enough - so i walk around a lot, a dry sponge. so that's gotta change, and i know what needs to be done, it's just a matter of doing it. but it was a pretty good message. i really like that analogy. dry sponge times much cease. *sigh* much work to be done on my spiritual life. after church it was time to come back to waterloopoo. this time - for the first time - when we were returning to waterloo i didn't have the same feeling of dread anymore. i think i've fully adjusted. :) so i came home, and packed away all my stuff (and believe you me, i had a lot of stuff! thanks will and alli for helping me carry everything up to my room, and much thanks to will for the ride!) then i got to see justin again! yay!! i hadn't seen him since wednesday. and yah, i did miss him. so it was nice to see him again. :) then we watched 'big fat liar' and it was pretty funny. and then watched 'serendipity'. i love that movie. it was a perfect way to end my super weekend.

i had so much fun this weekend. so thanks to everyone who helped make it so fun...good times. so few days, but many memories. anyways, this blog is soooooo long. thanks for reading - and for making it this far! hahaha. and i'll try to blog more frequently in the future...bye! take care and God bless! :)