Thursday, March 27, 2003

good fun times... :)

tonight was a good night. :) i got home around 3:15ish. it all started off with LCCF (laurier chinese christian fellowship). it was a book discussion on mere christianity, and it was alright. some of it was little hard to understand (them crazy brits...heehee) but cs lewis is quite the good writer - many useful and deep analogies that helped make his point a little clearer.

anyway, so after fellowship we loitered around A222 for a bit. that's the thing with CCF. the loitering that takes place after fellowship has ended is sooooooo long. it's ridiculous. but fun. hehehe. :) so after the 1234098754 minutes of loitering, a some of us went to pizza nova to grab something to eat. (justin, me, rani, jon, clinton, rob and dan). when we got the pizzas we decided to head over to clinton/rob's place to just chill eat and talk. and that was good. :) (i saw a potato bug there - i ran away. hehehehe) so we stayed there for quite some time just talking w/ each other - we talked about a whole bunch of stuff - and we ended up leaving their place at around 1ish. then we dropped dan off who just happens to live practically beside anita. so we found anita's apartment window and threw snowballs at it. hahaha. so funny. but we actually didn't catch her attention, so we found anita's bedroom window and started throwing snowballs at it too. ehehehehe. we finally caught her attention, and anita and euming invited us up to their place so we went up and just talked w/ them there. nice people. i like them. :) hahaha. mike's doggy was there too, and he has to be one of the laziest dogs ever. but soooo cute. and so well behaved. and very hungry. :) so i guess we were getting a little loud, because then there was knocking on the wall and then their neighbour came and told us to quiet down. which was kinda strange, because we weren't even really loud in the first place. oh well. :P so yah! we ended up leaving her place at around 3:10ish. and it was a fun night. ahhahaha.

this blog didn't really make a lot of sense, because i'm at a point where i don't even know what's going on anymore. but i decided to blog about the fun times anyway. ahhaha. so sleepy. ok, time for bed. :) g'nite!