Wednesday, March 05, 2003

warm fuzzies...

for some reason, tonight i feel all warm and fuzzy. i like things. :) i'm appreciating lots. friends, my sister, my parents...even my dorm. haha. i dunno, there's something about my dorm, that makes it cozy. although the walls are cement, the space is small and there's no carpet. it's cozy. and it's quite the lazy man room. lemme explain:

desk: one step away from the bed.
sink: two steps away from the front of the bed.
window: one step away from the bed (beside the desk, along with the shelves)
closet space: mmm. maybe 4 little steps away from the bed
washroom: three steps away from bed

mind you, these are all measured in my steps. ahhaha. see? small room, but also cozy. notice how everything is measured relative to my bed. the most important and most used spot of my room. heehee. anyway, so there's just something about tonight that is giving me the warm fuzzies. AND i just finished my theory assignment. :) now the only thing left to worry about is my recital that's tomorrow (technically today), which i have spent the weekend and this week practicing for...i've been practicing around 2 hours a day pretty much ever since my history exam last thursday. i really hope that it pays off...still gotta cut my nails. can't forget. it doesn't sound good when you play piano and all you hear are fingernails hitting the keys. so dirty. ahhaha. i know you guys needed to hear that. :P

anyway, so today i read my friend, edmond's, blog and he asked a really good question - "how many times have you thought of God today?" well, today i thought about God when i woke up, and before i ate my meals. that's pretty pathetic. considering that sometimes i don't even think of God when i wake up. if you add up the time i spent thinking about Him, it would probably equal like...less than 5 mins. maybe 6 mins. tops. well...there's 24 hours in a day. hopefully tomorrow will be better. his question really struck me though. it struck me good.

so i guess i'll end with the same question (hope u don't mind ed!)..."how many times have you thought about God today?" hope your answers are better than mine was. g'nite! :)