Tuesday, March 04, 2003


well i'm a day late in blogging. so since nothing has happened so far today (i basically woke up and watched gilmore girls on my computer...) i'll just fill y'all in on the events of yesterday.

me and alli led women's cell. it was really good! we led it on "quiet time" - and how it's really important for a healthy relationship with God. i just pray that i'll be able to really apply what i led - because i don't want to be hypocritical. so today when i woke up i spent a few moments just talking with God and praying. so that was nice. :) i hope that continues...

yesterday was also our (justin and me's <-- haha. so grammatically incorrect.) 6 month. :) Happy 6 months! glad we made it this far...thanks for everything.

uhmmm...that was pretty much it. i had a pretty busy day yesterday...i pretty much only saw my dorm for like...15mins in between the hours of 1:30-11:30. but that's alright. yesterday was super productive. :) alright. i'll blog more later...but for now, i've gotta get to the practice rooms and practice some more piano! i need to play my piece in front of my masterclass (we have a masterclass recital) tomorrow...bye everyone! have a great day. :)