Wednesday, May 07, 2003

outta the blue...

so i got a call from my friend today - steph wong! from german mills! hahaha. good talking times. it's been a while. i haven't seen her in like....1-2yrs. we're gonna go visit my grade 8 teacher sometime this week. he was the b e s t. seriously, he was probably one of my (if not, my) favourite teachers - ever. he was great. a really cool guy. oh that mr reber. oh the good memories of elementary school. :) we'll be going with Hissey too. *sorry. andrew.* :P it'll be a little 8R reunion. hahaha

anyway, it turns out that steph and me are gonna be working together during the summer!! we're both gonna be working at Yes I Can. that was HUGE suprise. a good one. ahhha. it's gonna be crazy this summer. i'm really looking forward to it. it'll be a really good experience. :)

so yah! that was my big outta the blue thing that happened today. that really made my day. oh that crazy steph...

good sonny and cher times. haha. :P