Saturday, December 25, 2004

it's the most wonderful time of the year...

let's not forget the true meaning of this special day this was quite the big thing that happened 2004 years ago.

i think over the years i have come to respect mary all that much more. when i was younger i remember not really thinking about it too much, but as i've grown older i think that i've understood more the extent of what she did - the "hugeness" of her task. i can't even begin to think what mary must have been thinking on the days leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. my gosh. it's one thing to be expecting a firstborn, but to expect your firstborn...who is the Lord of all Creation? i know i would have been terrified. and this is me talking now, as a twenty-one year old. i can't imagine having to go through what mary must have gone through as a sixteen year old strong. what a task. what a heart. what an honour.

but what's more amazing, is what God did. i mean, God gave His only son to the world that night - "giving" in the sense that for the next thirty-something years He would leave heaven and live on earth. imagine letting your son live in a world that you know will reject Him. imagine letting your son live amongst people who will despise him, and abandon Him when He needs them the most. imagine letting your only son live a world that would ultimately kill Him. imagine letting your son going through all this, knowing fully that this would happen to Him. most parents would transfer their kid from one school to the next if they were aware that their child was a victim of constant bullying. most parents would tell their kids to stay away from those whom they think would even possibly hurt them.

God sent His son to this world, and that night 2004 years ago was the start of something extraordinary - the beginning of Jesus Christ's life here on earth.

have yourself a very merry Christmas. :)


labour of love

It was not a silent night, there was blood on the ground
You could hear a woman cry in the alley way that night,
on the streets of David's town.
And the stable was not clean, and the cobblestones were cold,
And little Mary full of grace, with the tears upon her face,
And no mother's hand to hold

It was the labour of pain, it was a cold sky above
For the girl in the ground in the dark, every beat of her beautiful heart,
Was a labour of love

Noble Joseph at her side, calloused hands and weary eyes
There were no midwives to be found, in the streets of David's town,
In the middle of the night.
So he held her and he prayed, shafts of moonlight on his face
But the baby in the womb, was the maker of the moon,
He was the author of the faith that could make the mountains move.

It was a labour of pain, it was a cold sky above,
For the girl on the ground in the dark, every beat of her beautiful heart,
Was a labour of love
Little mary full of grace, and the tears upon her face,
Was a labour of love.

It was not a silent night,
On the streets of David's town.