Sunday, July 17, 2005

you know you grew up in the '80s/early '90s when...

the word "hypercolor" brings back memories of clothes worn "back in the day".

i was looking at some old family photos and in the ones from when i went to england to visit my relatives there (way back, like in '93 or earlier) i noticed that one of my cousins was wearing his hypercolor t-shirt (the purple one that turned blue - all the boys had that one for some reason.)

who remembers these t-shirts?!?!?! hypercolor t-shirts were possibly the coolest t-shirt idea ever. e v e r. they were better than those hideous neon vuarnet t-shirts. (nah, who am i kidding? i wanted one of those too. :P) liz had a vuarnet t-shirt i think...complete with one of those plastic circle things that you use to bunch up your baggy t-shirt on the side. (c'mon. you MUST remember what i'm talking about.) these were the "in" items to have around the same time stone-washed jeans were still considered fashionable.

stone-wash. bah hah.

well if you don't remember, or just have no idea what i'm talking about, they were shirts that used to change colour according to your body temperature. so if the shirt was cold it would be one colour, and then when your body heat warmed up the shirt, the colour would change. nevermind the fact that these shirts made all the naturally warmer areas, which people usually try to avoid attracting attention to (i.e. the underarm areas) all the more noticeable...they were still cool. they were quite the rage back then.

i never got a vuarnet shirt (thank goodness) but at one point i did have a hypercolor shirt...mmm...i think anyway.) one think i do know for sure, i DID have a pair of hypercolor socks. :)