Wednesday, August 24, 2005

good things happen to those who wait.

i like the parker brothers game, clue (even though i'm really bad at it), and i love the clue books so when i found a VHS tape on our family room shelf a long time ago (i think i was 14 or 15), with "Clue" written on it in my dad's writing, i immediately popped it into our vcr and found out that there was a clue movie!

when i first watched clue i thought it was pretty hilarious. sadly, whenever i brought up the movie i was met with blank quizzical stares; not many people had seen, or heard of, this gem of a movie. so imagine my surprise much much later, while in my second year of university, i was talking about the movie and found out that rani heard of and had seen it. along with the ALTERNATE ENDINGS.

"what?!?! alternate endings?!!" i remember saying.

apparently there are alternate endings to this 1985 movie. i suppose when the movie was taped off the tv, whoever taped it didn't know about these endings so they didn't stick around long enough to tape them. that, or the tv station simply didn't show them. in any case, i didn't get to see them. and since the day i found out about these mystery endings, i have always wanted to watch the WHOLE movie. i remember telling adrienne about it one night and together we tried to rent the movie from the video store so we could watch it, but when we asked the person working there if they had it, he just looked at me with the same blank quizzical stare i got from everyone but rani - he hadn't heard of the movie before either.) after this episode with the rogers employee (i think he might have laughed at me :P) i was pretty discouraged so i decided to stop trying to find the movie, and just accept that i would never be able to see it in its entirety.

well today, that all changed. adrienne found the DVD on the shelf in future shop! needless to say, i bought it. turns out there are THREE alternate endings. AND what makes it even better is that it was going for ten bucks. sweetness. :)

p.s. girls day/night was fun times! yay for SC/congee star/hollywood gelato (minus crazy rude girl. haha)/future shop! you girls are great. :)