Sunday, September 18, 2005

the saying goes...

Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by"the grass is greener on the other side", right?

well, i never really gave much thought to this phrase that has probably been passed on from generation to generation until today - when i looked out the window and saw that it was true. their grass IS greener (as in, the grass belonging to the people who live in the house located directly behind ours.)

note the brown patches in our yard (vs. their seemingly smooth, non-patchy grass) and the huge (it looks even bigger in real life) weed(s) that are trying to take over the patio area.

the picture does a crap job showing the difference in colour between the two yards, but believe you me, there is a difference.

then again, the people that live in the house behind ours are definitely not students...unless they're still taking classes at the age of (at least) 70. must be annoying for them to live in a neighbourhood full of university students...sometimes it can get kinda rowdy and annoyingly loud.

but somehow, i doubt that's what the saying was really trying to say. heehee. ;)

what a completely stupid, useless post. bah hah. :P okay, back to my books. aghh.