Friday, January 20, 2006

'jook sings' love jook

photo taken from it is: my post that is not about school! instead it's about something much better and more liked by everyone....FOOD, more specifically...JOOK! :D

i admit that when i was little i hated jook...until i discovered thin jook. my grandma made it for dinner one night when she was looking after me. it was SO good. just like that my congee hating days were over.
things got better in OAC when i got my wisdom teeth out. since i couldn't chew anything my mom made this THINNED out jook that was just scrumptiously delicious! (my mouth is starting to salivate. honest. haha.) i ended up affectionately naming this style of jook, "wisdom teeth jook".

none of this thick business, i like my jook watery and thinned out. ohhhh yeah.

mmmmm. i want congee wong now. :d

four things you might not have known about "jook":
- you can look it up on wikipedia (i'm telling you, wikipedia has everything!)
- the word congee was derived from the Tamel word, kanji
- it's considered part of traditional Chinese medicine food therapy
- some people make jook using brown rice