Thursday, February 09, 2006

woe is me. and my noodles.

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story of the day:

so i was making instant noodles for lunch today. for me, cooking instant noodles is a three step process: 1) boil water and throw in noodles to cook. 2) drain the water from the pot using the pot lid, NOT a strainer because that means more to wash later. 3) reboil water for soup and whatever else is to be added to the meal (i.e. meat, veggies...etc.) anyway, step one was successful and i was about halfway through step two when BAM. the pot lid shifts and my noodles come tumbling out of the pot and into the sink.

it was horrible. i stood there in shock with the pot one hand and the pot lid which failed me for about 10 seconds. meanwhile, my stomach continued to grumbled as i watched the sink mock me while it ate my noodles. aghhh.

at first i considered just scooping everything back into the pot, giving it a good rinse and then reboiling the water. then i thought about it some more and came to my senses. (can you say, DIRTY DIRTY?) the good news: i managed to save some of the noodles (see third picture.) the bad news: it was definitely nowhere close to being enough for a meal. it was quite the sad little bowl of noodles. :( anyway, i ended up making another pack of instant noodles. bah hah. *sigh*

moral of the story: when you're too lazy to use a strainer and insist on using pot lids instead, BE CAREFUL!