L C C F.
so yesterday was my last lccf as a laurier student. all i can is, wow. it is certainly something special, and i'm sooooo excited for them in terms of what's to come next year...and the year after that...and so on. God has been working in and through the people of lccf in both macro and micro levels, in terms of our growth as a community, and growth as unique individuals which make up our fellowship.
over the last four years i've learned over and over again that attaining a perfect community is impossible. lccf is not perfect; it's made up of a group of imperfect people so it will never be "perfect". there will always be struggles, and growing pains to deal with, but it is in our imperfections where true community is tested and developed, faith is strengthened, God's power is made perfect and as a result, people are transformed.
true community is not about perfect people coming together to form a perfect community. instead, i believe true community is about imperfect people coming together in love to help one another, live life together, and encourage each other to continue striving towards being like Jesus, the ultimate perfect being.
Love, Christ-centred, Community, Family...these are a few of the things i think of when i think of lccf - the fellowship comprised of people who, over the past four years, have been my community, my second family, and my home away from home.
LCCF winter retreat 2006 @ Camp Ganadoweh
thanks for all the memories, i love you guys. :)