Monday, June 30, 2008

s w o l l e n

after a year of being swollen-eyed-free, this happened again on sat, completely out of the blue. i was completely fine for the whole morning, but in the afternoon things went a little crazy. one minute i'm in the car driving to the mall with an itchy left eye, the next i'm in the mall and then driving home while blinking and trying not to rubba-a-dubb-dubb my eye as the itchiness spreads to the right and the swelling starts, and the next i'm lying on the couch with both of my eyes swollen beyond belief.

it was worse than the last time it happened in that while it took a couple of hours to get from the first picture to the fourth and it only took about 45 mins this time around. two days later, the swelling is almost gone and i'm starting look less like cristina yang and more like myself again.

i still have no idea what allergen i was exposed to that caused this bad of a reaction which makes me nervous. i've gone over the morning again and again, searching for something, anything, which may have been the cause. so far i've been unsuccessful, but for now i'm just thankful that the massive swelling has gone down and life is getting back to normal. here's to hoping it doesn't happen again.