Wednesday, September 17, 2008

r s s

btw, i added an rss feed thingie on the left in case there were other people who wanted to subscribe since i got one of those feedburner account things. (can you tell i have no idea what i signed up for?) anyway, i actually don't really like rss feeds all that much because i'd rather see webpages in their entirety, but now the option to subscribe is there if you want it but didn't know how to do it before. :)

if you ask me, the sciam article is way more interesting than anything rss related, haha! :P


N said...

y'know what's awesome? i've been rss'ing your blog for the better part of a year now through greader anyway =P

Sharon said...

haha, i know - i even gave you a shout out! hahaha :) you're always one step ahead in all this technology stuff. or i'm always 10 steps behind. o_O