Tuesday, October 20, 2009

swamped, but almost out of the murkiness. kind of.

oh man, this past week and a half have been nothing short of crazy - i forgot how stressful being a student can be! i thought undergrad was stressful at times, but so far grad school has proved to be much worse. o_O

anyway, even though it's only tuesday, this week has been hectic. i had a big assignment due yesterday, another big assignment due today, and a presentation this morning in addition to all the other work i've had to do for classes and tutorials which, to some degree, has kind of gotten lost in the cracks. aghhhhh.

thankfully the craziness is slowly coming to a close. tomorrow we have our evaluated interviews where someone from the community comes in and we do initial interviews in front of groups of 6-7 (ahh!) and after that the big things will be out of the way for this month. although i still have something due next week. oh wait no, make that two things.

good grief, it just never ends. o_O