Friday, July 02, 2010

hamilton, the place to be?

...ok, no i don't believe that statement for a second. BUT since coming to this town in september of 2009, i've randomly run into three people from my past. pretty crazy stuff. but even more crazy is how, upon reflection, each experience has gotten slightly more embarrassing each time. here's what i mean:

meeting #1: noob on campus
this one, being the first, wasn't actually that bad. it was my first day of orientation and i had no idea where i was going when i turned the corner and *BAM* there stood a friend i hadn't seen in literally 5 years. totally unexpected and i had no idea he was even at mac. anyway, i've since had dinner with him and his gf a couple times throughout the year, so that has been good. :)

meeting #2: elevator randoms
this time i was going to my friend's place to meet up with some mac friends for dinner. i got into the elevator and pressed PH and then a stranger came in with her head down. she looked kinda familiar but i was like, nahhh that can't be her, there's no way. well she raised her head and it turns out that it was her afterall. haven't seen her in 5 years either so it was nice chatting with her a little bit after getting off the elevator. too bad this was during the brutal heat wave that hit hamilton, so i was sweating like a pig the whole time. plus i had just power walked to my friend's building since i thought i was running late. lovely. i'm surprised sweat wasn't dripping off my face and onto the elevator floor. hahaa. gross.

meeting #3: hospital cafeteria cougher
so today i ran into the third person - someone i used to go to high school with who apparently just started her first day of residency at the hospital i'm doing my placement at. totally random! too bad i was still recovering from this mother of a cough i've been trying to battle with for the last week or so and with every word i said a coughing fit started. i literally coughed like a maniac while she stood there trying to get words in edgewise. i also tried to cough into my elbow, but i mean that only works for so long. ah well, i'm sure she found it lovely and i'm sure the rest of hospital thought my coughing fits throughout the day were endearing as well.

hmm, i can only imagine what the next random meeting will be: bathroom stall with a broken lock? gahhhh.