Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Big S, Little S, Sick Sick Sick.

Little K's immune system has had its hands full as of late as she has been battling a cold for the past couple of days. She has become very adept at dodging my attempts to use the nasal aspirator with her and I can tell she has better things to do than sit there patiently while I wipe the snot off her face (she'd rather be playing, thank you very much). The only time she will sit relatively still for is when I am putting vaseline under her nostrils to help alleviate any irritation under there. Smart girl.

This is her first 'real' cold, so it's a rite of passage of sorts for both her and us. Sucks to see her sick, but I know it's good for her in the long run and her immunity system will be stronger for it.