Sunday, March 02, 2003

in my Father's arms...

i was thinking about this concept today during sunday service at CFC. Ken Taylor spoke about Jesus and who He really was. He mentioned how Jesus was fully God, as well as fully human - which meant while he was in fact, human (like you and me) He still posessed all his God-like qualities (all the "omnis") he chose not to use some while he lived on Earth. for example, he chose not to be able to be in 1000 places at once, just one. he also chose not to have simultaneous conversations with 2 million people at get the point...

however. please note that Jesus CHOSE not to use all His power. it's not that he couldn't. he chose not to. there's a big difference.

so yah. as i was saying, i was thinking of how great it is to have a God in heaven that is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent (and all the other omnis. hahaha. i remember there being more, i just don't remember what they are right at this moment). whenever i'm down or lonely, sad or broken, i always imagine myself climbing onto God's lap, His loving loving arms (the same ones that created the world) engulfing me and His love penetrating through every part of my being. when i'm sitting there God gives me 100% of His attention. this is what i always pictured but up until today, i didn't really understand the power and wonder of God through this little picture of mine. you see, i now realize that whenever i'm up there sitting on my Heavenly Father's lap, with His arms wrapped around me, so are 213049874325789213 other children of God. and yet, God gives us each 100% of his attention. 100% of his ears. 100% of his love. and while we sit there with God's arms wrapped around each and everyone of us, comforting us, protecting us, each pair of arms is God's arms. how great Thou Art.

In my Father's arms is me - someone who cries there, a human who hurts there, a girl who laughs there, a child who finds her ultimate security and best friend there. In my Father's arms are billions of my brothers and sisters in Christ, each with their own trials and problems but each of us receiving 100% of God's attention. how many people do you know that can do that? exactly.

my Father's arms are like no other.